Restaurant marketing ideas

New ideas for restaurant marketing online

Make sure your restaurant appears in the search results by proximity:

Statistics show that many customers choose the restaurant on the fly and do so among those recommended in Google searches (unless they already have a specific idea). Boost your G + profile to position yourself.

Participate in the life of your neighborhood:

Popular careers, parades, chocolates, various celebrations and solidarity activities. If you want to be known and visited in your area, get involved to the extent of your possibilities and in a way according to your business philosophy

Publish in specialized media of the sector:

Both online and offline. The promotion is not based solely on pure and hard advertising. Also in the articles that you can publish in the sector or specialized media, on issues that interest the client, interviews that you grant. Being present is the key. Be creative, but if you find it to hard for you to handle hire a restaurant marketing agency.

Invest in Google AdWords:

Like it or not, the best way to appear among the first searches of the Great Search Engine is to invest in advertising in the search engine. Reserve a Marketing budget to invest in Google AdWords, selecting the words you want to be found. They will have to do with your values, with what differentiates you and with what the client looks for you, this type of promotion as part of your restaurant marketing solutions.

Make sure your business location data is correct:

Address, telephone and email are the three data through which the customer finds you and can contact you. Check them periodically in all your networks and in the search spaces where you appear, in order to make sure they are correct. An error in any of them can be fatal when it comes to getting customers.

Develop a mobile app:

You don't need it to be complex or too elaborate. It must have the fundamentals: the data of the place, the menu, a section of reservations and a feedback tab in which the users can leave their opinions. Create special promotions for those who use the app: it is a very valuable source of data for you and you are interested in using it a lot.

Use Instagram:

It is the best social network for restaurants, because it is very visual and you can show in it the best of your business. If you don't have a profile yet, consider opening one for the restaurant. Of course, follow a simple rule: upload photos good enough to give the best image, but with a "home" touch that makes you look like a real business and not a photo file.

Create your own hashtag for your RRSS and reward your customers for using it (and promoting it):

Identify your business with a short phrase (three or four words) and simple to remember, turn it into a hashtag and reward customers who share photos and experiences through him. Create a popular culture about your business and win in promotion and community.


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